
michelle rene’



I’m Michelle Rene’, Author of “Living the 7 Jewels Soul Journey Guide” and a Soul Brilliance Guide.

I’m here to support women to transform their fear and social conditioning so that they can find their authentic voice, practice grace and step into their full power to create positive social change in their lives and the world.


 Across my life and career, I have always found myself working towards solutions to counterbalance injustice and bring about a new sense of order that supports everyone to thrive as their truest selves.


The Human Design System is a practical tool that draws upon many forms of ancient esoteric wisdom so you can gain a truly unique ‘soul-map’ of your core essence and purpose.

But it doesn’t just offer insight into who you really are, it gives you specific, actionable steps that you can take right now to break ties with the inauthentic ways you’ve been living and creating, and realign with a new approach that energises and fulfils you.

From this space of deeper soul-alignment, you’ll start to experience a level of self-love and acceptance that has since felt out of reach. You’ll naturally find yourself making authentic choices without guilt or confusion, and be amazed at how amazing opportunities and synchronicities flow into your life without force or fear.

In this way, Human Design offers a unique ways of viewing your past self and choices with compassion and understanding, while unlocking a future trajectory that feels full of new possibilities.

My Vision

A world where all women have the tools and resources to thrive.

I’m passionate about helping women who feel unsatisfied, unfulfilled, or a little lost in their lives, whether through temporary confusion or due to a deeper disconnection from their purpose in the world. I believe that our soul is our most powerful guide that can help us through these transitions by offering us a blueprint that shows us the greatest potential for our life, and how we can go about embodying it in our everyday choices. It’s my job to facilitate this connection through guiding women to a consistent sense of alignment, satisfaction and purpose within themselves. This helps them to create a life that is soulfully gratifying. It’s my vision that the work I am able to do with the women I guide will create a ripple effect that in turn supports more happiness and success for women throughout the world.


My Mission

Helping women find their authentic voice, purpose and direction in life.

My work is dedicated to acknowledging and supporting women to embrace the challenges, gifts and stories of their lives. Through a number of esoteric and personal development Jewels/tools, I teach women how to find and embody their soul essence so that they can make decisions with ease and authenticity. I love showing women how influential they really are. I help to guide women to be their own guiding light in the world; pointing the direction for others while also nurturing their own unique abilities and purpose so they can gain emotional and spiritual freedom without sacrificing their health, lifestyle or sanity in the process.


My Purpose

To be a guiding light that helps women find their purpose and share their own wisdom in the world.

I know that I’m here to support others to find their authentic voice, discover their own soul path and to feel good no matter where they are in the process. My passion is to support women on this very personal journey through showing up as a resource, role model and facilitator of their own truths and wisdom. By helping women to recognize and embody their Soul Essence, they are more able to embrace their passions and make authentic and aligned decisions that have an incredibly positive impact on themselves, their families, communities and even the world.

Trainings & Teachers

Quantum Human Design Specialist Level 4

Quantum Alignment Specialist Level 3

Life Cycle Analyst

Affiliate Link

Liberatory Facilitation & Coaching as Activism

4 Skills of Radical Relating

Certified Yoga & Meditation Specialist

Certified Health and Wellness Coach